Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineering deals with the design and implementation of air conditioning systems and is essential for each industry which uses cool air to keep their job area comfy. An air conditioning system is made up of various equipments and components organized in parallel arrangement to regulate and maintain an indoor atmosphere at acceptable levels. The most important goal is to provide a comfortable and secure working environment with good air quality whilst being cost efficient and energy efficient. This engineering division also addresses the design and manufacture of these AC systems. They are mostly involved in the design and construction of the cooling, heating and refrigeration equipment.
Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineering

Air conditioning and refrigeration engineering provide the knowledge to design and construct air conditioning and heating systems that meet specific requirements of various industries, including pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, food processing, food service and the hospitality market. This branch also addresses the installation, troubleshooting, maintenance and repair of cooling and heating ventilation air conditioning systems. An excellent Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineer must have solid understanding of the various components of these systems including identification, design, manufacture and installation of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. In addition to this, they should have knowledge of many different technology used for the cooling and heating systems, including heat pump, hydronic, gas, geothermal, and electric.
Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineering
There are many components involved in air-conditioning systems and heating systems. These include evaporator, condenser, air handler, evaporator flooring, and dryer. Evaporator is the part that will capture the heated vapors in the surrounding environment; the condenser is responsible for storing the heat generated by the evaporator and channeling it into the house or into the air conditioning systems. Air handler is responsible for drawing the air to the condenser. On the flip side, evaporator flooring is the place where the cool air is accumulated and stored.
Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineering
Air conditioning and refrigeration engineering mainly deal with problems of air handling units. These units contain air handling units, cooling water systems and evaporative coolers. Air handling units includes the heating cabinets, chillers, dehumidifiers and other water systems which are employed in industries like food and drink planning, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, electronics manufacturing and other industrial sectors. Water systems on the other hand include refrigeration components, closed loop systems and open loop methods.
Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineering
Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineering deal with the energy conservation aspects of these systems. Energy conservation is a vital aspect for all sorts of heating and cooling systems. In addition to this, the cooling and heating elements will need to be set up at a ideal way so that they are energy efficient. Air heaters and refrigerators are usually installing utilizing techniques such as heat pipe, air to air heat and air to water cycle. Energy conservation is thus very important for all these heating and cooling systems. Engineers specialise in designing systems, which are energy efficient.
- Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineering deal with problems associated with controlling the temperature of outside design conditions. Air conditioning and refrigeration systems use a wide range of chemical refrigerants to give heating and cooling needs in outdoor design conditions. The major kinds of refrigerants include methanol, methylene chloride, tetra-acetic acid, ethylene glycol and n-hexane. All these refrigerants are widely used for various cooling and heating functions.
Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineering Specialists work with heat pump and heat exchanger manufacturers, building companies, electricity companies, building contractors and other industry organisations. They’re engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of heat pump and heat exchanger products. As part of the job profile, they must collaborate with several other individuals, companies, regulatory authorities and also meet different clients’ expectations. Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineers have to follow set guidelines and codes to avoid inconveniences to their clients.
Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineering are a growing Business. Consequently, there are several career choices available. Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Engineers can work for computer aided design (CAD) specialists or industry-specific layout centers. They are also able to decide to work as consultants or product development engineers.